Light | Reflection of Light | Laws of reflection | Classs 10 physics Here we study class 10 physics,optics,light,reflection of light,laws of reflection,plane mirror,reflection by plane mirror,theory of light. Light 1. Light is a form of energy which enables us to see an object. 2.It is an electromagnetic wave. 3.Light waves are transverse in nature. 4.Light waves are electromagnetic radiation so they do not need a material medium to travel. 5.It travels in vacuum as well as in material transparent medium. 6. The speed of light is 300000km/s in vacuum. 7.The speed of light in material medium is less than in vacuum. 8. Light travels in a straight line. 9.Light is the fastest messenger in the universe. Theory of Light There are four theories of light. These are 1 . Newton's Corpus cular Theory of Light : It explains corpuscles/particles nature of light.It proves rectillinear propagation of light, Reflection of light,Refraction of light. It does not prove interference of ...
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